here goes..
"It’s about the tears we shed when we first came in bidding bye to parents/siblings..
It’s about the butterflies in stomach when we found ourselves being on our own…
It’s about those nights we lay awake reminiscing our lives back at home..
It’s about knowing your neighbour…from just a smile in the corridor to bang-the-door-open familiarity
It’s about joining your voice with the girl in the next bathroom doing a chorus of ‘awaaraa bawrein..’
It’s about timidly peeking into each of the toilets before half-heartedly selecting an almost-clean one
It’s about queuing up for the turn to use the washing-machine..and at times washing your laundry at 2 am to lose the queue…
It’s about kissing the whole washing process good-bye and BPO-ing it to ‘sir’ in the cycle shed
It’s about complaining about the thickness/staleness/rawness of rotis and thinness/blandness of dal in the mess
It’s about the dogs n their puppies whom many loving hands feed with biscuits and other tidbits everyday
It’s about counting the number of couples lost in a world of their own infront of the hostel from 9pm to 9am
It’s about arranging and re-arranging the furniture in an 8x6 ft room to make it more homely/functional
It’s about all those funny/weird/cute/nostalgic posters/hangings we stick/hang up on the walls
It’s about smiling in greeting to ‘helloo daa’ of the ‘akka’ in reception
It’s about holi which had the entire sharav in pink,green,blue,yellow,gold,silver and wet..
It’s about dandiya where the baski-court vibrates to the tempo of the dandiya sticks
It’s about the disco night which smelled of frankies and bubbled like a soft-drink
It’s about all those useful talks organized – with special mention of the grub as well
It’s about pouring down your cribs/invites/updates/lost n founds in the notice board
It’s about the hostel elections where you would be politely woken up from sleep that you have earned just after a night-out.
It’s about checking the coast clear of monkeys before getting out of your room
It’s about getting back in, whenever you want to, in the night and writing a one word reason in the register infront of the dozed off security guard
It’s about ‘Junta SAC is open’, ‘Room ### visitor waiting’ messages which fill the air throughout the day
It’s about the tears… the emptiness… the anxieties
It’s also about the laughter…the sharing..the fun…the freedom
It’s about.. SHARAV"